"The wine hedgehog" Johannes Karkosch pleads for wine identity


The German Wine Institute (DWI) interviews journalists, bloggers, sommeliers and influencers on the topic of "Germany as a wine country". Johannes Karkosch is not only "the wine hedgehog", but also a sommelier and webshop operator. Who created the likeable "wine hedgehog"? Which wines fascinate him at the moment? He reveals it here:

  • DWI Aktuell

Who inspired you to create the "wine hedgehog"?
My wife inspired me to do it. She came up with it during a brainstorming session with the family, and within a very short time we found lots of connections as to why it just fits like a glove. The white hedgehog was drawn by a graphic designer according to strict specifications and many revisions :D.

What excites you about interacting with wine enthusiasts/customers
I believe true passion is something that deeply appeals to and excites us humans. When we talk to someone who we feel is passionate about what they do, it's a wonderful thing. It's just as great when we can share with others what we ourselves are passionate about. That's exactly what I can do in my tastings and in contact with customers.</p <p>What is your vinophile awakening experience?
When I started getting interested in wine about 5 years ago (with zero background), I quickly realised that wine combines many things that inspire me and are important to me in life: conscious enjoyment, variety, complexity/depth, sociability and appreciation for nature. From then on, it somehow quickly became clear that this topic would not let go of me any time soon.</p <p>And your most recent (regional) grape variety research?
Oh, I would say I have a few projects open... But the two most important ones at the moment: Riesling from the Nahe and Burgundy from the Kaiserstuhl.

What's the difference between wine lovers in the Lake Constance region and those in metropolitan regions?
I would say that the people of Hamburg enjoy the luxury of NOT having a wine-growing region right under their noses. Unfortunately, I experience far too often, especially in the south of Germany, that people like to drink a lot of local wine, but as soon as it goes beyond their own growing region, they reach for Veneto and Apulia instead of Rheingau and Mosel. There are then 25 Lake Constance wines, 1 Rheingau and 1 Palatinate on the restaurant menu, followed by 40 Italian and 30 French wines.

<p <p>I would very much like us Germans to find more of a local wine identity, as I experience in Austria, Italy, France, etc.... That we become more open to discovering the local world of fantastic wines and develop a bit more wine patriotism. After all, we have reason enough to be proud of the wines from our country.</p <p>In your YouTube video channel "der Weinigel" you share wine experiences. Which German wine-growing region is (still) underrepresented there?
I think Württemberg for sure. I've personally discovered a few things there that have really enriched me. But also Franconia in my eyes. I still have a lot of catching up to do there myself.

German wine producers are/will/were...
...a little off the beaten track for a while after the war.
...are a reminder to me of the golden age of "Made in Germany": meticulous precision, great craftsmanship and dedication to quality.
...will really pick up speed on their international triumphal march and make one or two winemakers beyond our borders break out in a sweat.

Thank you for the interview, Mr Karkosch!

More: "The Wine Hedgehog" on the web

Already published in this interview series:

Tip: "7 questions about German wine"

This is where the international wine scene lets you in on the inside story: The German Wine Institute asks outstanding personalities from the international wine scene seven key questions about German wine.

<p <p>Already published:

Interview with Jancis Robinson MW
Interview with Lars Daniels MV
Interview with Takahiro Yamano
Interview with Peter Kuhn - Goosebumps of the Riesling Fellow

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